My Easter Bunnies

Home sweet home and my first weekend was filled with family, the Savior, and General Conference! In between sessions on Sunday, we knew we had to get out of the house and expend our energy, so we went to Hays Nature Preserve for a walk. Of course my sweet sisters and cousins just had to dress up because it was Easter and well, I just had to take pictures of them all dolled up! They are so beautiful and I am so grateful I get to have them in my lives eternally!


I. Lived.

And not in the overly, omg it was so hard, dramatic way. More like that's my jam right now & I really am exhausted. And not just from my long traveling back to the U.S. of A day. 

My definition of "study abroad"- you do study and go to school, it's hard, there are still finals, traveling as much as possible AKA any hours go and whatever cheap expense is expended, expanding your friend group and hanging out with people you normally wouldn't walk up to, trying to take in every single little sight, sound, and smell all at once, 24/7, for the totality of the time spent abroad. 

Does that not sound just a wee bit tiring? 

My definition of the study abroad I did in Spain- the greatest experience I have ever been blessed with. The most beautiful people I have ever met and loved. And breath taking sights AND sounds AND smells. 

I am so insanely blessed that I had this opportunity. It really took me out of my comfort zone and helped me get comfortable with the Spanish language. I can get around and hold a conversation. And that's all good to me! I adore the people of our group and especially Brad & Debi Wilcox who really made the trip what it was with their strong spirits and positive attitudes. 

Soooo if you are reading this PLEASE go on a study abroad! To anywhere. To everywhere! Just. Do. It.There is not a thing in the world that I would trade for the experience I had this past semester! 


P.S. First video I have ever actually tried to make below. Definitely a skill I need and want to work on!
P.P.S. The darling boys throwing up the bird are from the English class we taught and we were singing a song about our fingers. We thought it was so funny and they had no idea what was going on. :)
BYU Spain Study Abroad Winter 2015  <<<< go check it out!