Here's The Mail It Never Fails...

Blue's Clues anyone? (or camp cadre code, ya feel?)

I thought I would take a moment to post some addresses and helpful tips about sending mail to me while I am on the mission. Yes, you will be sending me mail. Just kidding. But we have all been to summer camp and know how awesome it is to get your name called out with some letters…so if you feel so inclined… :) 

I will be going to the CCM (centro capacitacional misional) for 3 weeks of training on Tuesday! The address there is: 

Hermana Lydia Vergara
Carretera Tenayuca-Chalmita #828
Colonia Zona Escolar, Gustavo A. Madero
07230 Mexico, Distrito Federal

There is also this awesome service while I am in the CCM called pouch mail. If you send a single sheet, folded into three-panels, and taped at the top to the following address it will come right to me and probably a little quicker: 

Hermana Lydia Vergara
Mexico MTC
P.O. Box 30150
Salt Lake City, UT 84130

Packages while I am in the CCM will be a little more difficult, a lot more expensive, and harder to make sure they get to me while I am only there for 3 weeks, but here are a few helpful tips: (1) Do not declare any food in the packages when sending, (2) Do not declare the price greater than $50,  and (3) Keep the weight under 4 lbs. 

When I make it down to Paraguay (watch here to find out!) my new address will be:

Hermana Lydia Vergara
Av. Santísima Trinidad N° 1280
c/Julio Correa
Casilla de Correo 1871
Asuncion, Paraguay

The same rules for packages apply, but they do say to also send packages through the US postal services and that packages usually take 3 to 4 weeks to arrive. The address for packages is: 

Hermana Lydia Vergara
Av. Santísima Trinidad N° 1280
c/Julio Correa
Asuncion 1831

Finally, there is also pouch mail to my mission! It leaves Salt Lake City on Fridays. Also be sure when you tape the letter shut long ways do not also tape the ends. Anything that does not follow pouch mail rules will not be sent!

Hermana Lydia Vergara 
Paraguay Asuncion North Mission
POB 30150 
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150

As always though, I will have email and will be able to email on Mondays! My email is Regardless of how you can and when you can update me, I would love to hear from you! 


3 more days until I am Hermana Vergara, but for now Lyds 

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