Week 6!

Hola Yall! 

I hit my month mark this week, which I know is not something huge, but I honestly cannot believe I have been out for a month! I do not think I have ever been happier or worked harder. 

Happy things of this week! 
1. I got in to the Business School at BYU! I am so incredibly grateful and know this is a huge blessing. 
2. We have a shower! haha funny story. When I got here the shower was straight ice. So cold. Which will be nice in the summer, but right now its actually super cold! So we have been heating up water, pouring it in a bucket, and showering...haha #paraguay. But it is fixed now! Hot showers yay! 
3. We have so many progressing investigators. I did not think I could ever love strangers more. The work here in Mariano is crazy and each day there is so much to do, so many people to visit, but it is good work and keeps us busy! 
4.The Sociedad de Socorro put on a talent show this saturday which was so fun! There were so many people from the branch there, my comp and I did a musical number, and it was a lot of good company. I am so grateful for the branch here. They are so patient with me, truly are trying to get to know me, and they are so willing to help us out! We are fed every single day. Which is a huge blessing too. 

This past week my comp shared with me a quote from Our Search For Happiness. It said, Adversity becomes an adventure in the service of the Lord. This quote obviously applies to the mission and my life right now, but I know that it applies to every single one of you. As we forget ourselves and do the work of the Lord, we will be more blessed and be happier than we could be on our own. Lean on the Lord and he will lift you up. I am so grateful for my knowledge of his plan for us and that each hard thing is another learning experience. I am so humbled to be serving the Lord. I hope yall have another great week! Good luck with school starting back! 

Hermana Vergara
3 Nephi 5:13 

PS food pics, comp pics, one month alfajor pics, talent show pics. just fun pics 


Hola yall!

I am safe and sound in Asuncion, Paraguay and loving it. I am serving in Mariano Roque Alonso area and we have the best branch. My mom and trainer is Hermana Taylor and she is so solid. She is from Las Vegas and went to BYU! shout out to Hermana Sage Iverson and that connection! 

Our branch is seriously fabulous. We are fed everyday and until we are bursting. The members are incredibly helpful in the obra misional. And everyone is so so loving! I bore my testimony on sunday as the newbie and everyone was so impressed that I had just arrived! The spanish is coming along nicely. Our mission president and his wife are the absolute greatest! They are from Chicago and are so sweet. They are in this months Liahona look them up!

The best part here so far is our recent converts and investigators. We have so many to be teaching it can be hard to plan because we just want to visit with them all! Tatiana is my highlight of the week because she has been working with missionaries forever and has finally decided for real that she will be baptized and her date is August 12! she came to church Sunday and we are teaching and we are just chugging along. Please add her to your prayers! another one of our investigators is Giuselle. She has had a really rough go at life and her boyfriend is not the best at all, but i swear I knew her before this life. As we teach her the spirit is so strong and I know she is one of the people I promised in the premortal life to come and find. Sadly she didn't come to church Sunday and we were really surprised. We are teaching her tonight and hopefully we can find out what happened. Please add her to your prayers as well! Recent convert family that is the best is Familia Barrios. They are so so incredible and so solid. They are so humble and half the time the father is jobless but they are so happy. They offer to help us with everything and always want us to visit. They have kept me going this week with their hugs and smiles. 

This week has not been particularly hard at all. It is definitely a different schedule to get used to and being on your feet for a good part of the day in the cold is mentally challenging as well. Contacting is actually super fun and all the people are so willing to listen and kind. I think the hardest part so far has been just mentally pushing myself to keep paying attention and have energy when I have none at all. 

I read the talk the fourth missionary this week and have really been trying to apply the principles to my mission and attitude. Everyday I pray and give up my will, heart, and mind to the Lord and ask him to work on me and through me. Life is truly easier when we can just hand him our burdens and trials and he will lift us up. This work is so fulfilling. I am so grateful to be here truly. I am still adjusting, but with Hermana Taylor´s loving help I know I can. I know that we can all do hard things and do things the lord has commanded us because he always provides a way. I look up to Nephi so much and his willingness to just serve and just have faith even when he did not know exactly why or how he was supposed to do the lords work. I feel a lot like that everyday and I hope that with the example of Nephi and all the other missionaries and examples I have my life I will be able to with the Lords help be molded into the instrument he needs me to be! 

I love you all and love hearing from you! Thank you for all your support and encouragement. 

Hermana Vergara
3 Nephi 5:13 


Hola Y`all! 

I only have 3 more days until I leave the CCM and fly down to Paraguay and I could not be more excited! The CCM has been so fabulous, but I am definitely antsy to get down to my legit mission! I am so grateful for my district, comp, teachers, and all the other amazing missionaries I have met here! 

Highlights of the week:

4th of July! One of my absolute favorites! I was so afraid I would be missing the good ole US of A way too much, but luckily the CCM staff out did themselves! They had red, white, and blue tablecloths all over the comedor AND served BBQ, and pie, and root beer! We also all sang the Star Spangled Banner for all the latinos. They thought it was pretty funny all the pride we had. All the gringos were dressed up in red, white, and blue. It was incredible. 

We got to go to the Mexico City Temple again today! It is absolutely incredible. They truly have channeled their mayan pride into the construction of this temple. I am so grateful I was able to go throught it twice! 

We got to do intercambios with a gringo district this week. They are another tablet district so we got together with them. My amazing and diligent companion for the day was Hermana Jones (the cute one in the picture at the temple). She was incredible. We were teaching 5 lessons that day and she jumped right in! Her testimony is so incredible and she was an answer to my prayers. I am so grateful to have met another soul sister. Good thing she goes to BYU too! 

Our investigators have been incredible here at the CCM! Hma Bredeson and I set the record for our district by having 9 investigators and one less active. We also had the opportunity to teach the family of an area seventy and teach over skype. I love teaching and having the spirit with me. The spirit truly does all the work. 

I am so grateful for the time I have spent here at the CCM. I have made so many new friends (a lot of which go to BYU! woohoo!) and know that my last minute switch to this CCM was not an accident. It will be so hard to leave this spiritual cocoon on Monday, but I know that there are people in Paraguay that I need to go serve!

Thank you so much for all y`alls support! 

Hermana Vergara
3 Nephi 5:13 

PS If you are currently one of my fabulous missionary friends PLZ add this email to your list! I still want to hear all about your amazing adventures too! 
Lydia & Her Companion

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Sofia Sandstrom from Madison Alabama Stake

The other Sister's going to Paraguay with Lydia.


This is Sister Jones, Lydia did an exchange with her and feels like they knew each other before this life, She will be serving in DC.