Week 54

Haupei Yall!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my PAIGEY GIRL and Hermana Tandiman!!! 
and a HUGE THANK YOU to the Monte Sano Primary for sending me all the SWEETEST letters! I fell in love!

Happy Things! 
1. 1 year on the mission!!! crazy how fast it is going. 
2. Fernando, our investigator, is getting baptized this Saturday! lots of prayers for him this week as he prepares!
3. We are so blessed to have two public schools in our area that we have decided to offer our services to in english class! By doing so we are so blessed to be having youth come up to US and ask US how they can learn more about the church! We are excited to see how we can help out more with the awesome youth in our area!
4. SO this week took a crazy turn! I lost my voice for a WHOLE WEEK with laryngitis. SO that was first, but then friday night I had a casual visit to the ER for a crazy cough I have going on. BUT with the treatment they have been giving me, we are not seeing results. SO I am going back today to the hospital to see what more we can do and I have been staying back in my old area in Campo Grande in the office! In ANOTHER trio with Hermana Adakai and Hermana Roncallo! and loving it! 

Hermana Vergara
3 Nephi 5:13 

Week 53

Haupei Yall!

First off: HAPPY FATHERS DAY to the best dad and example there is! And the rest of the fathers in my life that have been mentors and examples to me! 

Happy Things! 
1. WE ARE IN A TRIO!!! Our new companions name is Hermana Vasconez from Quito, Ecuador, and she is just the sweetest, most kind, missionary there is! She has 5 months on the mission (President keeps sending me freshies!) and she is 25! We love teaching, testifying, planning, and just walking in 3. It is actually WAY fun! 
2. We had our visit noche de barrio that was actually successful and happened this week! We played lots of volley and ate lots of popcorn. The best part was that there were only 3 members and 10 INVESTIGATORS! It was super fun. 
3. We had our long awaited CCM activity for the youth this past saturday too! We had 16 youth attend, with 2 of those being investigators! They had a jam packed day with classes, with TRC (we had the missionaries from our zone come and dress up and pretend to be investigators), they went out for lunch with members and had 3 hours or proselyting, then to finish the day President Evans and the stake president came for a devotional with the youth. Our investigator, Fernando, even invited President Evans to his baptism! The best part of the whole day was seeing the youths faces when they had TRC and were teaching for the first time and when they all came back from their hot proselyting hours. They kept animo high the WHOLE DAY! 
4. Lots of prayers needed for Fernando! He couldnt attend this Sunday so his baptism will not be until next week, BUT coolest thing ever- without even telling him too he asked a member to baptize him! The biggest blessing ever to see an investigator so prepared he is taking so much intiative in his own conversion! 
5. We have been super blessed with a new investigator, Veronica, who is actually Elias aunt! We were stopping by to see how the family was, but we ended up talking with her and she said straight up I want to get baptized and I will do everything possible to do it! She came to church this Sunday even after facing tons of opposition in the morning to come. She has great desire and I know she has a lot of blessings waiting for her! 

A scripture I want to share with yall this week is Proverbs 31:30- "Favor is deceitful, beauty is vain, but a woman who reveres the Lord, she shall be praised." I love that our prophets in our days have told us to live in the world but to not be a part of it. We are surrounded by all the propaganda of Satan that wants us to think that we are never good enough if we are not what the world says we should be, but I know that the worlds standard will NEVER be good enough for any of us. The only standard that will ever bring us happiness and peace is the Lords standards and commandments. In the end HIS opinion is the only one that matters! 

Hermana Vergara
3 Nephi 5:13 

PS We found a bag of newborn puppies on the side of the road...while we waited for a member to come pick them up we got to be lil mamas :)

Week 52


alright. in 10 days a TON happens.

Happy Things!
1. My 5 day stay in the offices was a blast for sure. It is always fun to go back to old areas, especially when you get to go to church in them! It was so fun seeing all the awesome loving members of Campo Grande! 
2. I had immigrations to become completely legal in Paraguay! Finally!!! 
3. The doctor says IM HEALED! And now just have to be super careful and take preventive measures the whole rest of the mish. Turns out my immune system is super weak! surprise surprise... :)
4. YALL STRAIGHT UP MIRACLES! While I was away in Campo Grande, a young man brought to church his neighbor. So my comp obviously jumped on it and we started visiting him right when I got back and he is PURE GOLD! Here is why: he accepted to baptized NEXT WEDNESDAY, he is participating in a missionary training center activity we are doing this saturday, he reads his book of mormon BEFORE he studies for exams that are happening right now, and without us even telling him to he started inviting people to his baptism at a baptism he came to and at church! Our jaws dropped Sunday when he showed up in a suit and we went to introduce him to the bishop and the bishop told us they had already met and that our investigator had already invited the bishop to his baptism!!! His name is Fernando. See the selfie below :) 
6. We had our last zone meeting :( and our whole zone went to the temple today for a session and got pizza hut afterwards! I really really love this zone! There are very few changes too so #blessed 

I just cant fit all the pictures into this email! But be sure to check my blog to see the rest of them! 

Hermana Vergara
3 Nephi 5:13 

Week 51

SURPRISE!!! Im on a little early...

Happy Things:
1. We had zone conference this week with Capiata A & B and with our awesome mission president. What I took away from it (because it was all the best) is a great question that we can ask ourselves everyday. Who is the owner of your heart? Do we let pride or laziness or other distractions take away our hearts from the true owner, God? When he has all of our heart he can guide us to do his will and we will become the divine beings he knows that we are!
2. We had divisions after zone conference with the Hermana Lideres! Hermana Rolim, the cutest brazilian and a rockstar missionary, stayed with me in the house and went with me to the hospital! She kept me calm, cool, and collected. 
3. SO the reason I am really on early... like yall know I have been super sick and we finally got to the bottom of it! But with this sickness I am on indoors arrest until monday...
4. SO I am BACK IN CAMPO GRANDE!!! or better yet in the office on divisions with the NEW nurse Hermana Adakai! We have wanted to be comps since day 1 and we finally get to be for a whole 5 days! She is the best and it is way fun being back with all my friends in the office! 

Hermana Vergara

3 Nephi 5:13 

Week 50

Haupei Yall! 


Happy Things!
1. We got to paint a whole room this week with the elders. Way fun. Way cute green. We had a fun time! 
2. Our investigator Ever, who is Elias´ dad, is progressing! He is currently on house arrest, just got out of prison..., BUT he is so prepared and really taking on repentance. He is GOLD. 
3. yikes got even SICKER this week BUT life is good. We are still seeing miracles in the area even though we cannot be out working! 
4. I am SOO grateful for the priesthood in my life! Not only did I need blessings this week, BUT almost every single one of the few visits we got to do needed blessings too! I am so grateful that we have so many worthy priesthood holders in our area that came at the drop of a hat! I know that the priesthood is real, that is restored to the earth, and that I am so blessed to have it in my life! 

Hermana Vergara
3 Nephi 5:13 

PS Pday is next tuesday because we are going to the temple!!!

Week 48 & 49

Haupei Yall!

FIRST: Happy late Mothers Day! I am so grateful for all the wonderful women in my life, and especially my MAMA! 

Happy Things!
1. I got to skype my awesome family last sunday and it was the greatest. I love them so much. So crazy to think that was the last time! 
2. Mothers Day down here was on Monday and the country shuts down to celebrate! It is actually way cool how much love they have for their mamas down here too! We celebrated with our abuelita, Rosa, and ate lots of food and loved on her! 
2. ELIAS GOT BAPTIZED!!! and it was the most incredible baptism I have ever witnessed down here in Paraguay. It was an absolute miracle baptism where we didnt have to do anything either! The members filled the font, made the food, and REALLY showed up! There were over 40 people there! It truly was the most happy day of my life and Elias in his words said, "The water was freezing cold, but once I got baptized I felt all warm and super happy." 
3. ROSA GOT BAPTIZED TOO! And on her big day it POURED DOWN and we were on the way to her house to make empanadas! Another fun fact about Paraguay is that if it rains the country shuts down, so we were praying like crazy that it would stop raining so that we could have her baptism service. And literally as we finished making the empanadas IT STOPPED RAINING! very big blessing!
4. I hit 11 months! kinda crazy...
5. andddd last but not least, I have gotten pretty sick again! So luckily this is a two week email, because this last week was spent in the house...BUT with lots of prayers and studying we still saw miracles at church with less actives and investigators there! 

Overall, life is great! God is so good. and THE GOSPEL IS TRUE! 

Hermana Vergara

3 Nephi 5:13 

Week 47



Happy Things! 
1. SOOO last week was Paraguays labor day so no cybers were open in our area :( BUT we had a nice relaxing day and thought of all yall back home so much! 
2. CHANGES were last week and WE STAYED TOGETHER! Hermana Gonzalez and I are getting a whole 6 more weeks together here in Aratiri and we are over the moon happy! 
3. We have a hot shower again! FINALLY!!!
4. We found a super amazing family...a dad, mom, 2 young girls, and a sweet baby. They are so prepared and so receptive to the gospel. We are so happy to find people that are ready for the gospel! Lots of prayers for the Familia Gonzalez! (thats right my comps family lol)
5. Elias is getting baptized THIS WEDNESDAY! lots of prayers for him please! he is ready ready ready to go and we are so proud of him! 

life truly is so good down here in good ole Paraguay! thank yall for all the prayers and sweet thoughts always! 

Hermana Vergara

3 Nephi 5:13 

Week 46

Haupei Yall!

HBD shoutout to my cute Liza Lou! 

Happy Things!
1. I hit 10 months on the mission this past week! So crazy how fast time is flying by!
2. My cute zone surprised me with a birthday party after district meeting on tuesday!! We had some yummy brownies and they sang to me in 4 different languages!!
3. Im not sick anymore!! I had a big parasite but its gone now and I am feeling so much better! Thanks for all the prayers :)
4. Our zone had a capilla abierta this week (an open house) where the hermanas get to do tours of the chapel and teach as we go. We got to do the first group and without us knowing it they were ALL investigators, but they sure didnt seem like it. They told us they felt the spirit and were so happy to know that we have a living prophet on the earth today. We hope to hear great progress! 
5. We have the funniest investigator right now. His name is Freddy and he is the brother of a member here. He has been investigating for a while now and this past week he told us he wants to take a 100 question test to be baptized. We told him he has an interview to be baptized and showed him the questions and said it wasnt good enough and asked to talk directly with our supervisor! so, with President Evans! We are excited to see what ends up happening in their visit... 

Quick Thought: "The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than He?" Doctrine and Covenants 122:8. I love this scripture especially when I get caught up in the details of what I want and when I want it. When things dont go the way they are planned I like thinking back to this scripture and being humbled by knowing that Jesus Christ is the great planner and masterful designer and He knows better than I do. 

All my love! 
Hermana Vergara

3 Nephi 5:13 

Week 45

Haupei Yall!


Happy Things!
1. SO remember how I said I had the flu? Turns out its not...so we headed back to the hospital BUT I got to meet an awesome little boy and taught him how to say ROLL TIDE! so cute. 
2. We had our TRIO this weekend with an awesome local missionary, Hermana Insfran, from Ysapy. and she KILLED IT! She is actually prepping her mission papers right now and wants to go to Africa! Way fun being in a trio too!
3. I TURNED 21! SO CRAZY. I love getting older. And I especially love getting older on the mission. It was one of the best birthdays of my life, just getting to go out and serve and love on the people here instead of focusing on everything that I wanted. My sweet comp spoiled us with some mexican food and we had a yummy brownie cake :) 
4. And of course EASTER! If you havent seen the Prince of Peace video on mormon.org yet, you need to. I know that Jesus Christ LIVES! He suffered and died for us so that we can return to our Heavenly Father´s prescence. But more than that HE ROSE AGAIN! He is my Savior and Redeemer and I know by living his gospel, becoming more like him, and truly KNOWING him WE are blessed with more peace because He IS the Prince of Peace. 

Thank you for ALL the birthday wishes and for all yalls love!
Hermana Vergara

3 Nephi 5:13