Hello Goodbye

Middle school throwback anyone? I honestly only knew maybe 3 songs, and even then I still struggled with knowing the actual lyrics...

I think my favorite part of this event though was the meet and greet. It was late, we were all so tired, and you could tell the band was as well. We all shuffle into a room to see them and they proceed to sit down on the floor in a big circle with us and just chill. Almost like a kumbaya moment. Strange yet so awesome.

If you ever get to come in contact with this band they really are the coolest guys I know. Did I mention half of them performed barefoot? (that's against the honor code @hayley)

Rachel and her event lead really put on a tight show. It was so fun to be a part of this event and watch and learn how big concerts really work here at BYU. next concert: Mat Kearney and this one is actually under my watch *gulp* wish me luck!



An Aiono Affair

so. San Diego. or as Elder Vergara says, San Di-AH-go. 

Hayley and I road tripped 10 hours there and 10 hours back for one of the best weekends. Her cute family lives in Imperial Beach and the beach is literally a 5 minutes bike ride away. It is the cutest little place.

We explored the beach, ate cake by the ocean, enjoyed a farmer's market, and ate incredible tacos all in the first day! Second day was just as good with even better food and treats and sweets. I am telling you, I appreciate good food so much and San Diego is the place to be. We enjoyed the most amazing birthday dinner at the Barona casino for her Grandpa's 90th, oh how I hope I can be as happy and amazing as her Grandpa on my 90th! I got to see the pretty castle on the highway, otherwise known as the San Diego LDS temple. I also got to visit with my uncle and cousin who are on the marine base in San Diego. I am so proud of them both and it was so nice to see them, it had been wayyy too long! We also took my first ever trip to Disneyland! I am one lucky girl and Disneyland is one amazing place!  

All in all, San Diego is one fun place and the Aiono's are one amazing family. I am so #blessed. 

