Week 73

Haupei Yall!

Happy things!

1. We actually celebrated Halloween this week in Paraguay! We found a super cute menos activo pinterest mommy who went all out for her childs month mark. It was way fun to see that. I couldnt believe we were in paraguay!

2. Dionisio recieved the aaronic priesthood on sunday! WOOHOO! Im so proud of him . He knows how to read now, talk more in spanish, and is remembering everything we taught him! He is incredible.

3. We had a super rainy sunday, with super devoted members who went out on rescue visits with us. I LOVE RAMA 1! They blow my mind how devoted they are to missionary work.

Okay, so in Paraguay Thanksgiving is not a thing, BUT just one I had forgotten about the holiday, I was going through all the talks I have in my binder and found this incredible one by our Prophet! I love this talk because it not only talks about being grateful but living with gratitude. Something to remember this month!



Hermana Vergara
3 Nephi 5:13

Week 72

Haupei Yall!

Happy Things!

1. Arnaldo is progressing so amazingly!! He is so full of questions, truly wants to learn, and says that even though he has received the missionary lessons a billion times, this time he feels different! He is ready. Keep him in yalls prayers! 

2. We were walking around an area we knew we were supposed to be working in but after a full week of contacting and meeting the people, NONE of them were progressing...so we said okay, one more house. And just like in the stories that was the house! Her name is Alvina and she is SO prepared. 

3. It has been raining like CRAZY! and they say its going to be like this the rest of the year! So we are avoiding a super hot normal summer...hashtag blessed. 

4. HECTOR AND VANIA GOT SEALED THIS WEEKEND!!! I had the honor of doing some wedding shots here in PJC. I know I am an amateur BUTTT it was the highlight of my week photographing a couple that is SO in love. 

All my love and more, 
Hermana Vergara

3 Nephi 5:13 

Week 70

 Haupei Yall! 


Happy things! 

1. We had noche de cine this past week in rama 1! We watched meet the mormons, ate TONS of popcorn, and had a great time. We were very happy with the turn out! 

2. WE GOT SUBWAY! thats right. on the brazilian side there is subway, and our branch president loves us and bought it for us. it tasted the exact same! 

3. WE HAVE CHANGES TODAY!! yikes. you read that right. TODAY! My new companion is Hermana Sterling and we had back to PJC in like one hour...more to come next week! 

Hermana Vergara

3 Nephi 5:13 

Week 71

Haupei Yall!

Happy 18th Birthday to my super grown up sister elayna!!!

Happy Things!
1. 16 months on the mish now! yikes.

2. My new companion, Hermana Stirling, has 7 months on the mish, from PG utah and is SO HIGH ENERGY! its great. I need it for sure! She is so ready to work and is loving every moment in PJC!

3. We got to help do family history this week. cool story- the consultant has been working on one name for a few months now and asked for help trying to print it because she couldnt figure it out. we had a cool general conference moment where we found out the name was doubled and they looked the same, but we had to decided if it was a match! needless to say, the name is now printed and is being taken to the temple this weekend! miracles.

4. We taught in english this week. I never thought that would happen! Our investigator Arnaldo is trying to learn english and wants to learn about the gospel. So we teach him in english and I have never been more awkward in my life...just a heads up haha it was the best experience I never thought I would have in a city where we speak spanish, guarani, and portuguese.

Hermana Vergara
3 Nephi 5:13

Week 69

Haupei Yall!

Happy Things! 
1. We had divisions with the hermana lideres this week! I love my cute lil Hermana Slade...long lost best friend that I am so grateful will be back at BYU with me next year! 
2. For our district meeting this -week the elders made us pancakes with real maple syrup!!! SO YUMMY! I love our little family.
3. We have a super sweet investigator, Ovidio, who came to conference last week with members, is reading the BOM, AND came to church yesterday in a SUIT AND TIE! We are so proud and excited for this future missionary :)
4. DIONISIO GOT BAPTIZED!!! cutest story. he showed up for his baptism and confirmation the next day AN HOUR EARLY. He was so ready. And our district leader told us coming out of his interview that this man wants nothing to do with sin, he wants to be as far away as possible. It was the best feeling in the world seeing a true convert be baptized! 
5. Now this one is not so happy, but with the plan of salvation there is hope. My convert, Elias, his mom was found murdered this past week. It is a very, very sad situation as she was a single mom and the kids are all still so young, but I will never forget her love, her devotion to her children and the church, and for being one of the people I will always remember as an angel in my life. Please pray for this family! 

One of my favorite talks from conference: I love the idea of patient covenant keeping! 

Hermana Vergara

3 Nephi 5:13